The effect that I see right now is that it feels like all the people who were talking in my mind all the time are now a little bit less harsh and more quiet. Looking forward to seeing the effect on how I do science.

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I've started taking anti depression and anxiety medication myself for a few weeks now, and I'm so excited to see how it can help me. As someone who loves the life, physics, and people, it was so exhausting not to be able to do almost anything. I had all the motivation and the enthusiasm, yet couldn't stop myself from just escaping from things that I like and harshly blaming myself afterwards.

Even my DnD character needs weekly psychotherapy sessions to overcome the depression and anxiety caused by her childhood traumas.

What I love about Flip, hmmm at least one of the things that I love about him, is that he never forgets that science is done by scientists and mentions that in a talk like this.

Why we have not discovered dark matter: A theorist’s apology by Flip Tanedo

I came across this great (and difficult to watch) video again tonight. It's a good time to watch it after the "International Day of Women & Girls in Science" and think how we can help with this situation in academia.

Sexual harassment and assault in Astronomy and Physics by Angela Collier

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“BUT it’ll fix climate change.”


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I think it is fair to say that the Luddites are a precursor to the union movement and that there still exists a union that is close to the Luddite movement, The IWW. I cannot put the complicated and tumultuous history of The IWW in a few toots, but the wikipedia entry is a good starting point. Suffice to say that #Sabocat originated in that environment :)

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For me, right to to repair isn't just about ewaste, and preventing corporate gouging.

It's about mental health. Being able to fix your gadgets is therapeutic. Empowering. Good for the soul.

In a world full of complex technology it's easy to feel small and helpless. And maybe I'm too much of an idealist, but I think that if everyone could experience the joy of fixing or modifying a gadget now and then we'd all be a little more open minded, a little more daring. A little harder to push around.

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Everything you need to get started with IA is fresh on arXiv:

our cool new paper on Intrinsic Alignments (IA)

What is it: in short, it is a guide to IA

We hope you will find it useful 😌🥳

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Don't forget, there is only one 'race'..the human race.

"Race is a social construct used to group people. Race was constructed as a hierarchal human-grouping system, generating racial classifications to identify, distinguish and marginalize some groups across nations, regions.."

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BookWyrm is a federated social network for tracking your reading, talking about books, writing reviews, and discovering what to read next.

Follow this account for development news and more!

List of instances:

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Since it's already fall(!), wanted to share the site where I've been compiling open source astro #teaching materials -- e.g., #textbooks, #lecture notes, visualizations ...:

Pretty piecemeal to now, but would love to link to any other resources not already included here :)

#astronomy #astrophysics #astrodon

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Mastodon has no profit motive, Mastodon has no shareholders. Why people choose a platform that needs to make money and make their shareholders happy to focus their obsession with a grotesque misunderstanding of “freedom of speech” around is, to put it best, beyond me.

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If you have a couple of minutes to listen to a genius speak about increasingly urgent matters... May I suggest Ursula K. Le Guin’s Passionate Defense of #Art over Profits?
Plus: intro by another genius and lovely as usual: @neilhimself

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Physicist Steven Weinberg was born #OTD in 1933. His 1967 paper "A Model of Leptons" presented a unified theory of the electromagnetic and weak nuclear interactions, and is the most cited paper in particle physics.

Besides his groundbreaking work in particle physics, Weinberg is known for contributions to cosmology and astrophysics, as well as numerous textbooks and popular works.

Image: AIP Emilio Segrè Visual Archives

It's so exciting that I'm learning the things that I love, but the program has such a pressure that sometimes I do not find the time to even concentrate on what I'm studying. It's all following deadlines after deadlines with no gap in between for understanding.
I must continue and it will be done in 2 months (5 months considering the evil comprehensive exam), but I'm not sure if my mind and my body can tolerate that much of omnipresent pressure anymore.

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I have talked with my advisor about it recently and he understands, but I still feel so bad, especially that our colleagues are not physicists and have completely different experience of grad school and studying.

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!